work with me

Transformation Pilot Team

This is for leaders who want to learn what a transformation to continuous innovation looks like. Over the course of 6 months, a dedicated team from your organization will do things differently than you are used to. Driven by clear goals and rapid experimentation, this team will show you how to innovate like the successful companies do. Once you can demonstrate the successes to your leadership team, it's much easier for them to see and feel the benefits of sustainable change.

Vision Workshop

This is for leaders who want to show their people the bigger purpose behind their daily work. Getting teams to look up and see the future you envision. Getting them off the treadmill and connecting their daily efforts to a greater cause. And motivate everyone to help make it happen. This usually comes as a 1-day workshop among the leadership team with a decent amount of individual preparation beforehand.

1:1 Coaching

I conduct individual coaching sessions with product leaders, product teams, and product managers. On transformation and product topics. These sessions cover topics specific to the individual and team context and range from 30 minutes per week to more intensive sessions.