Product Answers #1: Do we need a vision or should we follow the insights when they surface?

This question came from the founders of an early-stage startup. They were unsure how flexible their vision should be, as they just started the organisation and still had a very small team. They wanted to generate more insights and make sure to build on top of those insights.


A strong vision will give your team guidance on where to work towards. It will unite the efforts to reach the greater goal - one step at a time. A good vision will inspire your team to think further than just the next release. And a vision focuses your whole organisation on the parts that are important and which ones to ignore.

What if your team generates insights that challenge the vision? Or insights that indicate a great opportunity that is outside the boundaries set by your vision?

Hopefully, your vision is built on insights from the very beginning. If not, go back to the drawing board and see what you already know and what’s missing. In case you feel you need more knowledge before you create a vision - go out and collect those insights. This is your top priority as a leader, especially if you have a group of people spending time and money already. Now - if you have uncovered new facts, the question is whether or not to pivot. Should you substantially change your vision and refocus your organisation on a new goal?

That’s exactly the kind of decisions the leaders of an organisation are for. Imagine one or multiple teams uncover larger opportunities and chase them without deciding on the new direction together with the rest of the organisation. Every team will start moving in different directions. Progress towards the common goal is slowing down or stalling completely.

Once someone uncovers an opportunity - challenge your vision and decide as a leadership team to stay ‘stubborn on the vision’ (Jeff Bezos’ original quote: Be stubborn on the vision, but flexible on the details.) and let this opportunity go. Or to pivot and change your vision. It’s a judgment call for the company leaders.


In the section Product Answers, I give answers to questions from product leaders and product managers. Always product-related, anonymous, and non-traceable. Questions I receive when working with organisations or individuals. I hope through publishing the answers, more people get access and can benefit from it.


Product Answers #2: How can I avoid being nervous when talking to a larger group of stakeholders?


Transforming towards Product