Agile and Product Management in a nutshell

In business it’s all about money and time. You need to earn money to keep running the organisation. And you need to do it timely and not sometime in the future.

When taking on new initiatives, traditional methods weren’t able to largely reduce risks. The typical business case is really just guessing. And running a project where you define sucess by finally shipping a huge software piece has the huge danger of failing right when you launch big bang.

These are the reasons why agile and modern product management are used in successfull companies: to lower these huge risks.

Agile helps shipping smaller pieces, one after the other, instead of big bang. If applied right, it let’s you earn money earlier and therefor more over time:

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Agile is not enough though. If you are quick in getting solutions out, but noone wants it, you are quick in earning nothing.

Product Management solves this risk of value, if applied right. Before you develop the actual solution, you identify with real users and real numbers, wether or not there are enough potential buyers. Because in reality, most ideas fail. And you want to know which ones as early as possible:

Only with the combination of product management, seperating the failing ideas from the winning ideas, and agile, shipping the winning ideas early and step by step, your business can reduce its bigget risks. To earn money timely and not only dreaming about big successes sometime in the future.


Agile and Product Transformation need to go hand in hand


What I learned from continuously interviewing users